Sin Cara vs. Hunico More back and forth action with Camacho trying to get involved. Cara takes Hunico with with a flying head scissors for the win.
Winner: Sin Cara
- Up next is Ryback coming to RAW. We go to commercial.
Stan Stansky and Arthur Rosenberg vs. Ryback These two local wrestlers do a rap about how they are going to beat Ryback. The bell rings and Ryback begins the squash. He splashes them both in the corner before hitting a big double clothesline. Ryback scoops them both on his shoulders at the same time and drops them for the win.
Winner: Ryback
Non-title Must Win Match: (c)CM Punk vs. Kane They go back to the floor to fight. Kane throws Punk hard into the barrier, right in front of Bryan. Kane distracts the referee in the ring as Punk tries to get in the ring. Bryan comes from behind and kicks Punk twice as the referee has his back turned. Kane brings Punk back in the ring and goes for a chokeslam but Punk blocks it with a big kick to the head. AJ Lee runs down and tries to tell the referee what happened. Bryan tells her to get down. Punk dives through the ropes and takes out Bryan. Punk slams Bryan’s head in the barrier and comes back in the ring to a big chokeslam from Kane for the win.
Winner: Kane - After the match, Bryan tries to attack from behind but Kane kicks him out of the ring. AJ comes in and smiles at Kane. Kane doesn’t fall for it and leaves the ring as AJ tends to Punk. Bryan looks confused from ringside.
- Josh Mathews catches up with AJ Lee and asks her about “the look” we just saw. AJ grabs Mathews by his collar and says he seems uncomfortable. She plays the crazy chick role and he walks off.
- Cole begs the fans to use social media and ask John Laurinaitis to cancel the match against Cena tonight.
Non-titles: (c)R-Truth and Kofi Kingston vs. Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins Kofi hits the big crossbody on Hawkins but Reks come in and breaks the pin. Reks dumps Truth to the floor but Truth pulls him out. Hawkins and Kofi go at it now with Kofi hitting Trouble in Paradise for the win.
Winners: Kofi and R-Truth
John Cena vs. Michael Cole Michael Cole is still sitting in his suit at ringside doing commentary. John Laurinaitis comes out and makes the match a No DQ match, if Cena is victorious against this man… Tensai’s music hits and out he comes with Sakamoto. John Cena vs. Lord Tensai Tensai gets in control of the match. Tensai misses the back splash and Cena makes a comeback. Cena hits the usual followed by the Five Knuckle Shuffle and the Attitude Adjustment for the win.
Winner: John Cena
- After the match Cena hits the turnbuckles to pose for the fans as Cole looks on worried from the announcers table. Cena is ready for Cole to get in the ring now for their No DQ match. No DQ Match: John Cena vs. Michael Cole The bell rings as Cole gets up. He hesitates before taking off over the fan barrier and through the crowd. Cena chases him down and brings him back to the ring. Cole keeps trying to run off but Cena catches him and brings it in the ring. Cole grabs a mic and pleads with Cena. He says they goway back and are good friends. Cole says they can shake hands like friends do. Cole takes off his jacket and his tie. He’s upset now. Cole asks Cena how embarrassing it’s going to be when Cole beats him live on RAW. Cole continues taunting Cena and gets in his face. Cena rips Cole’s shirt open and gives him a big chop to the chest. Cena rips Cole’s pants off and then his shirt. Cena stomps Cole between the legs before taking him to the corner for another big chop.
Cena makes Cole apologize to Jerry Lawler for earlier comments. Cena then makes Cole apologize to Jim Ross for what’s happened in the past. Cole says he’s sorry overand over. Cena makes Cole plug JR’s BBQ sauce next. Lawler just happens to have a few bottles at ringside. Cena hits Cole with the mic and goes out for the bottles of BBQ. Cena gives Cole a JR’s BBQ bath and goes under the ring for a fire extinguisher. Cena cools Cole down with the extinguisher as the crowd cheers. Cole gets to his feet and Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Before he can hit it, Tensai hits the ring and lays Cena out. Cole takes advantage and covers Cena but he kicks out at 2.
Cole slaps at Cena and yells at him. Cole grabs the fire extinguisher and charges at Cena with it but Cena catches him with the Attitude Adjustment for the win.
Winner: John Cena
- After the match, Cena celebrates and sprays the extinguisher some more. Cole is trying to recover on the outside as we go to replays. Cena finds Cole on the floor and sprays him some more with the extinguisher as RAW goes off the air.